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R.I.P. Odile van der Stap

It was nearly 10 years ago I started my online art exploration on DeviantArt. It already was getting filled with every kind of artist with every kind of style. There was one specific artists that moved me with every piece she did. She went by the name Jumei. When I saw her work I always thought, "WOW! This is truly what digital art is.". She created such effects and made them look so simple and effortless. I Have been enchanted with her work and always saw where she was as where I wanted to eventually end up.

I never got to talk with her so much as she was very busy(despite her every now and again commenting back despite there being thousands upon thousands of comments). She would sometimes publicly post comments upon things she saw or things that were happening. This is how I found of her shared upset over criminal "artists" selling others intellectual property. She was one of few I was so proud of for voicing her opinion on something that isn't right no matter the vast public acceptance of this criminal behavior.

Sadly over time she stopped posting as often as she once had till there was nothing. I scoured the internet many of nights and days to see if she had come back or just to see if she had anything new. I found that she opened an adorable vintage shop. I was sad to see no more posting of public work but happy if she found something else she was interested in and loved. I could tell by her etsy that she still had her same style and it was so cool and beautiful.

While on deviantart recently I was going through my inbox as usual. There was the picture seen to the right. My heart sank. I already knew it had to be about her. An artist that I knew was in the same artist group as her and I follow her work as well is loish. She broke the news to many of the online art group in the passing of Odile van der Stap. This beautiful life cut short. So much talent and love in this woman that is bloomed through everything she did. The comments have flooded this post as well as the wall of Odile's art page. She touched so many and she will be so deeply missed!!!

One of few art pieces I have been lucky enough to buy and see every day since around 2012 is by Odile. Titled "First Snow". I never got to meet Odile but It will always represent the beauty and talent of her and allow her to continue and live on with us.

My heart goes out to her family and friends in this dark time!

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