Stay At Home | Free Coloring Pages
With such crazy times and so little we can do I wanted to add the little I can. I have 1 set of 3 intermediate coloring book pages and 1...

Inktober 2019
Hello all! We are back once again! It has been a full year and inktober is back! This is a casual challenge, for anyone that wants to...

Inktober Sale
Ben Geiger art Inktober 2018 original piece SALE.

Inktober 2018
Already here again! INKTOBER! For those of you that do not know what this is I will explain. This is a personal challenge for the month...

R.I.P. Odile van der Stap
It was nearly 10 years ago I started my online art exploration on DeviantArt. It already was getting filled with every kind of artist...

Halfway of Inktober
Progress on getting past the midway point of Inktober.