​Abstract Animals
My abstract Animal collection is one of my first successful collections/ styles. I started this in July of 2011. I have always loved animals of all kinds and always felt the still life photos don't quite capture the power and motion of them. This is where I put the dark line work over them. I wanted something you could see many times and still always find something new in it. Also to create some amount of motion in these animals even if standing still.
I more recently have been trying to add more animals that are in danger of extinction. With this I hope to shed the light on lesser known animals so we might be able to help them before we loose them. As always I would plead for everyone to go to the WWF site and find out how you can help.
Thank you!

See my "Abstract Animals" animations I did for the BBC radio 4 and Natural History Museum

She wanders the vast cold in her gorgeous coat. Wearing her fanciest kerchief with a hint of her vintage rouse.

From the collection for the BBC and NHMOL. I elongated this to fit a more square ratio. One of my absolute favorites I have done.

This is a full background version of this piece.

Such a magnificent in natural psychedelic designs fish. I have seen these many times and have been wanting to do an abstract animal of one for a while. I put mine among stag horn coral because it seemed as though it was a favorite of these rare fish.

VERY similar to my previous cardinal abstract animal. I have always loved Blue Jays. We always had them around getting the acorns in my area. They have become almost like pets.

A new updated look similarly to the very 1st abstract animal.

a cute animal that is becoming nearly extinct. The tapir really is one of its own with having a nose like an elephant almost, body and ears almost like a hippo, and fee like a pig, it really is so distinctive.