Designs and Patterns

5 different ways of the original print design. A classical Aloha Style print but in a more modern style. Each gives a different appeal for different occasions as well.

I love the big all over print especially when they have nature themes to them. I like to add multiple focal points so the design is never boring. I also tried to have generally only a few colors and all in the same color gradient so it isn't overpowering in a design.

(this is the design version) A photo based design of flowers. It works well as both a print or as a design on anything. I dulled colors down so it has that dusty vintage feel vs the retro coloring from the original

This is an altered version of my "Life in Death Valley" Piece.

I had recently seen a PBS documentary a photographer had done just of the beautiful scenery in a desert in spring time. It was so moving I really wanted to do something similar in a design. I had been practicing more how to make a design that looks more like a scene vs a repeating design. This is about my 3rd real digital design attempt. Also, Fun fact, the deer are alterations of my Abstract animal deer.

The edited and changed version of "Design Based in Reality". The change from yellow to the dusty pink was for no specific purpose as I might add in multiple color backs.